The previous entry was all the great character designs from the con- check them out! I'm personally very fond of Dale (who's description was not pg13 and had to be fudged)and the mammoth- Dale is courtesy of Neil Lalond and the mammoth was courtesy of Pam Bliss. Also, Matt Tichenor drew Knuckles the Echidna. Unfortunately Knux is copyright protected (dammit) but as some of you may know, the Knuckles comics were some of my favorite things growing up, so this is just awesome as far as I'm concerned. You'll also find Rodger down there- he was put together by Alex Tichenor.
Also, this entry is a shout out to Chris "Banky" Sanchez, for deliving the amazing fanart you see here! You can find Banky at www.comicspace.com/banquillo. Check him out, he's awesome.
More to come, people!