For those that didn't know, I've been having computer problems going on a year now.
I wasn't able to access the net through my personal computer and everything I updated had to be done through the school lab, which is part of why updates were so scarce.
This has been fixed.
My computer can now access the internet freely, which means faster updates and more work more easily done. I just have to iron out the kinks. In order to get it fixed I had to wipe the hard drive, which means I no longer have photoshop or even word installed. I'm also missing some pivotal parts of my personal scanner which I'm working on replacing, and the cd's I don't have are all back in Chicago. All the important images and documents are backed up on an external hard drive so no information has been lost, but it'll be a week or two before I'm back to producing at the same speed as I just was. In the meantime I'm going to work on doing some quick fixes to the first few pages, since I have the time, and I'll work ahead on thumbnailing, lettering and other low-fi things I can do to move TR ahead.
I've settled on a size- 9x7 inches. Don't go anywhere, we're just experiencing technical difficulties. -Z